Wo - Hoo!!
Kristins new solo album anounced on her Throwing Music site.

Arrived in Leeds about 2;30 pm. Decided to find the venue first as my hotel was only 10 mins from there. As I had feared it's one of those 70's style social clubs in a rough residential part of Leeds about 20/30 mins from the city center. It seemed a strange place for EE to play, as my memory of those places is not good. I get myself sorted, find the hotel which was fine for the price with a nice clean room. I walk to the city center (20 mins) to have a pint in my fave Leeds pub, and set my usual search for something decent to eat. Eventually settle for the Cafe' Rouge, ok it's a chain I know but I've eaten in the one in Bristol and that's very good. I got back to the hotel about 7 pm and decide to have a siesta for an hour. Got to the venue about 8:15, there were quite a few people about, and the sort of crowd I expected. It was £5 to get in and I was quite surprised it's not a bad little place (nothing like a "social club"). It had 2 levels split by 5/6 steps in a crescent, with the bar at the back. There was a band setting up in front of the raised stage as I got in. Anyway 2 other bands follow suit and play "on the floor" in front of the stage which I thought strange. They must be leaving the stage for EE, I thought, nope! they too set up there, as they do I make sure I get my spec on Ellies side as recomended by Andy. With there being no natural barrier between audience and crowd we moved increasingly closer to the band, which gave me a real close view of them.
They run through a set of mostly Nightlife material which came over realy well live. A couple of times Ellie had to go over to Jennys side to add some vocal. I still couldn't believe they were working in such a small space, great though.
At the end I literally stepped over Ellies monitor and grabed her set list
After the show I went to the merch table and bought a shirt, a blue Nightlife one which is realy nice. As I was walking from the table I almost bumped into Jenny, so I told her I had enjoyed the set, and thanks. In all I enjoyed the expierience and they did impress me as musicians. I hope it's not too long before I see them again.
The worlds favorite drummer (well mine) Dame Janet of Weiss has joined Steve Malkmus and the Jicks as their permanent drummer. Based in Portland Malkmus was the main man behind Pavement, some pedigree there then. Not entirely unexpected this the rumor was that Janet (the hardest working woman in rock) was going to form a band with Malkmus, so to join the Jicks is not totaly out the blue.
Surely though they should become "Janet Weiss and the Jicks", anyway gonna have to go and get their back catalogue. I'm sure as a band they need a rhythm guitarist who can sing and someone to take the lead guitar role off Malkmus. Wonder if Janet knows anyone? !!!