Best Albums of 2008 (IMO)

I’ve stuck with this as my album of the year. A simple acoustic based folk album by a duo from Chicago. It has James Tayloresque melodies and is such a beautiful little record no frills just great songs. It is just simply my favourite piece of the year.

This is such a beautiful record. Antipodean siblings play a cosmic folk that just captivates. The opening track ’The Beast’ is probably my favourite track of the year. Julia Stone has such an interesting voice too, very child like at times. The CD itself is in a lovely book like format that just adds to the whole package.

Forget how I came across these, a French duo from Paris. Imagine the Velvets were from Paris and Marseilles and had a feel for dark pop music. Another interesting product in that it’s a double CD , side John and side Jehn . Containing five tracks each disc. Just different and fresh.

Ok showing my age here this could have been released in ‘74 - ‘76. On closer inspection it’s very new and exciting, yes it has a mid ‘70’s prog feel at times. Very eclectic too. Most tracks stretch out to 5/6 mins long. A four piece Californian band on the Secretly Canadian label. Orchestral at times it builds, slows, explodes. Always leaves you wondering what the hell was that.

Yeah! ok, the band of the year on everyone’s lips from the word go. A five piece from Seattle on Sub Pop/Bella Union. Mojo made it their album of the year and it will feature on every top 10 list, guaranteed . I’ve listed the EP and the album for the simple reason they fit together. Ethereal church choir folk music is the best description of this. I saw them live twice during the year, though not as good second time round, still a very good live band.

Labelled as anti-folk (whatever the f**k that is) ,more of a cross between Cave and Wayne Coyne, dark humour and more of an art-pop work. Full of good songs that grab attention in one way or another, in all it’s just a great listen and one of the undiscovered gems of the year imo.
Alison and Jamies' third album and in my opinion their best. I’ve followed the Kills since the beginning and this is their most complete work. Albeit the most commercial perhaps. Still deep, dark and broody though more tuneful than its predecessors. Most songs pack in at under three mins so attention is never lost. This album should make more people take notice of the Kills imo, we’ll see!
8. White Denim - Workout Holiday.
A three piece Texan band, nope! nothing like that should sound. Upbeat punky, progy, just a great slice of unusual rock and roll. Sometimes bluesy sometimes extravagant and chaotic. The thing is here they sound like they're having fun. I saw them live and they are excellent musicians and play with a passion for their art.9. Silver Jews - Lookout Mountain Lookout Sea.
What’s this? a COUNTRY album? Well yes it is (of sorts)more alt-country (whatever that is). Fact is it’s a great collection of songs. As you'd expect it's strength is in its lyrical content. Ill admit I hadn't come across these before, although this is something like their 6th album. Fact is you can't argue with a collection of great songs.10. Bon Iver - For Emma for ever.
Basically the work of singer/songwriter Justin Vernon. Again a folky acoustic piece. It took me a while with this if I’m honest but after several plays I ‘got’ it. Recorded in a log cabin in the depths of the Oregon countryside, it has that lovely spacious feel. Live, the songs were beefed up by the full band and came across even better. A lovely piece. Again one that features on most lists.
11. Free Kitten - Inherit.
Kim Gordon and Julie Cafritz collaboration now on Thurston’s ‘Ecstatic Peace’ label. This got a bit of a pounding by most reviewers, I like it though. There is a an edge and an unknown direction to it that appeals to me.
12. Scanners - Violence is Golden
Been with this one for 12 months. A London band, it was released in the US before the UK. I imported the album so got it the end of ’07(though the UK release was Jan 08). A good indie rock album led by the vocal of Sarah Daly.
Canadian band from the ‘New Pornographers’ stable. That says it all really, just good quality indie pop/rock. Good tunes, well structured and always listenable. Some excellent vocal harmony and drum rhythm always compliments. 14. The Acorn - Glory Hope Mountain.
How I found these I forget. Another Canadian folk/rock band, simple songs with an acid folk feel to them. The album itself is a biographical account of guitarist/singer Rolf Klausner’s mother and her life, interesting stuff. 15. Be Your Own Pet - Get Awkward.
This is just raw punk as it should be. Angry, opinionated but fun. BYOP are the best around of this type of thing. Sadly though they called it a day latter this year. Great encore though.
16. Deer hunter - Microcastle.
Came late late to this. I’d heard and read reviews and eventually got round to buying it. It took a while but the infectious melody of several of the songs coupled with its quirky nature endeared me to it.
17.The Dukes Spirit - Neptune.
I’ve been a fan of these for a while and loved their first album. This seems to have been passed over by most people but is great piece of garage rock led by Liela Moss’ superb vocal.
18. Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue.
Multi talented Ms Lewis takes a break from Rilo Kiley to create a super country tinged album full of excellent tunes with a guest role for Elvis Costello
19. TV on the Radio - Dear Science
Another band I’ve followed for a while this is their third album. It is the one that has made more people sit up and take notice. Slightly more tuneful than its predecessors but still the trademark full sound with a lot going on in there.
20.Dig Lazarus Dig - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
After last years Grinderman project Cave returns with the seeds. Another excellent album from one of the industries finest lyricists.
21.The Week That Was - S/T
A side project of Peter Brewis of Field music. It wasn’t until Marc Riley named this his album of the year that I really took notice of it. A very good collection of modern pop songs.
22.Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer
Second full release from WP. It’s been three years since ’Queen Mary’ and a good follow up it is. More of the same really key led upbeat indie rock. Saw them live too which sealed their place on the list.
23.Vivian Girls - S/T
A band I just came across (the name caught my attention of course). I imported the album and loved it immediately. Production on this is very raw and diy sounding which adds to the character.
24.Blood Red Shoes - Box of Secrets
I’ve followed Laura Mary and Steven since the beginning. It’s probably been two and a half/three years. Most of the stuff here I knew so it was not new to me. In truth they went for a polished production which doesn’t suit their sound imo, but it’s here out of loyalty, it’s good though.
25.Ting Tings - We Started Nothing
Ok this is for seven year olds we know but I it is still a great piece of upbeat pop music. I make no apologies for including it.
There you go I'm gonna stop at 25. There were many other great albums this year that I could have included. New Bloods, Yoav, Constantines, Marnie Stern, Death Cab, Sons & Daughters, BSP, Gutter Twins, Malkmus,Raconteurs, Santogold, MGMT, Underground Railroad, Deerhoof,Tilly & the wall. To name a few who are worthy of a mention.