Sunday, March 02, 2008


Liverpool, View2 Gallery, 22/2/08.

I came up to this little event because Lonelady was billed to play but I found out the nigh before she had to cancel. I decided to travel up anyway.

The venue was a gallery on Mathew St which was initially difficult to spot. It was billed to start at 8pm and I got there about 20 past to told they were starting at 9. I had decided not to stay over but to get the last train home at 11:30 even though I was off the weekend.

I got back just gone 9. The bands had set up just in a room in the gallery. It was all very civilized with some tables and chairs set out with bowls of snacks on the tables.

First band up were called "Heads of State" who were ok. They set up with the vocalist set well stage left almost separate from the band. They played some chunky guitar tunes only prob was the drummer who kept having trouble with his kit, but got through it. They did play a PJH cover though "This is Love".

Next was a young lad called "Sheepy" just him a guitar and a drummer. Again nothing to completely write home about but in fairness I don't think he's played too many shows, I maybe wrong. There was a woman at the back singing and clapping away, obviously his mum. This was quite amusing though. He gave it a good go and I believe he is looking for others to form a band.

Next up was a singer/poet the same guy that sang lead with the first band. He pulled a chair up and said "I'll sit down being as though everyone else is". I was over to the left of the room and standing so I just said "I'm not"he looked over at me turned his mike towards me and was about to try to say something condescending or vaguely amusing but looking at me he decided against it. Another case where I think I may have been thought of as "industry", this amuses me. He was quite good though he did a couple of poems and some accompanied with guitar.

Dirtblonde came next, I was speaking to the girl before the show saying I couldn't find their myspace page. She informed me that they don't have one!! "not every band has one you know". Sorry I mentioned it! Anyway Dirtblonde stepped up a two piece bass/guitar combo (he! always wanted to use that) no drummer. They made a good noise and used some looped beats, I think! problem here was the room was echo'y. They were ok what I heard as I had to leave after 3 songs to skootle for the train. Ah well, perhaps they should get a myspace.


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