Silversun Pickups
Night & Day, Manchester 31/5/07.
So after being in Germany for a week I fly back into Manchester Thurs. I land, get my bag, get a train to Piccadilly and get to the hotel all for 2 pm. I was looking forward to seeing the SSPU's their album last year was one of the best "new" discoveries of the year.
I book in and ask Nadia if I can use the Internet (there's an Internet cafe attached to the hotel). I wanted to check my mail and have a quick catch up on S-K net and TMO etc. I also just wanted to check the gig was still on. Nadia lets me do this foc, being a good customer and all.
I got to N & D at about 8 and walked straight in. I bought a drink and had a scout round. After about 30 mins or so the place started to fill a little which was good. I made my way to Corins side and lent up against the piano (often mentioned in my N & D posts).
By the time SSPU's started setting up the crowd had filled. Just right too, enough room to manoeuvre yet enough people to create a good atmosphere. They launched into "well thought out twinkles" which really blew me away. Their sound was crisp, good and loud yet you were able to pick out the different line by Brian (guitar) and Niki (bass). Brian Aubert the guitarist was really energetic and had all the posses of a good rock guitarist, without being too corny. The drummer, again set quite back on the stage (N & D), was excellent and even made Janet's head rockin' look tame. They rocked through most of the songs on their album making them seem
heavier and more vibrant that the recorded versions. The bass player Niki was also excellent and played some super thick lines. She also had a cute way of jumping in and out of her bass lines. A bit like Corin sometimes did when she felt the chord she was playing shudder through her body. She was fascinating to watch and you could see her loosing herself in the music at times. In all they are the best band I've seen this year.
Not only that but the best band t-shirt I've seen too.
I think I'm going to have to give their album another chance. The song Lazy Eye was on the radio constantly so I just wrote them off as another radio band.
cool shirt. i definitely need to see this band when they come through indy on august 9. carnavas is awesome.
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