Saturday, January 20, 2007


Last Thursday saw some of the strongest winds to ever hit the UK, certainly in my memory. Everyone you talked to had some form of disaster or close call. Cars being hit by flying debris, some serious enough to cause fatalities. Every shed in every garden is now without a roof, some full properties too.

I had to get off the bus halfway into town as the trafic was at a standstill for 20/30 mins due to debris flying across roads. It meant I had to walk accross the Grosvenor bridge The wind was that strong I was realy scared of being swept up and over the edge. People were holding on to each other to create a heavier mass and avoid disaster.

Fully grown trees were being uprooted from their age old settlements.

Oh and it's been snowing in Portland.



Blogger Andy said...

Glad to hear you are ok. I saw some photos on bbc and it looked pretty crazy.

Monday, January 22, 2007 7:17:00 pm  

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