Emily Breeze/Sad Sheilds/Vile Vile Creatures
This was my last show of the year and fitting it would feature VVC. This was going to be the 10th time seeing them too. As with a lot of things this year there was a twist in the tail. They (VVC) had invited a girl called Emily Breeze to come and play with them in Manchester. As it happens earlier this year I'd come across Miss Breeze on myspace and ordered her EP of her. It took an absolute age to arrive and after several mails and excuses. I got to the point where I just wrote of the fiver. I then noticed that VVC were playing with EB in Leicester I think it was so I mailed her again saying she could give the cd to them. I got a positive response this time and the cd turned up a week later.
So I was looking forward to meeting Miss B.
I got to the Castle, which is nothing more than a scuzzy pub really, at about 8:15. Jen was stood at the bar as I walked in we said our Hi's. I bought a drink and went through into the back room where the show was. As usual I knew a lot of the faces there. Then Jen walks in with Emily, and straight away introduces me to her. "Ah! I know you from the inside of my computer don't I?" she says. "Yes you do" I replied. I liked her immediately, brassy, very red lipstick and lots of hair. Very sweet underneath the visual persona though.
VVC stepped up to play first. Jen announced they'd be playing an Xmas cover to finish but would keep people guessing as to which song it would be. Interestingly here they played an upside down set ie: they opened with FF.
This was strange as Jen wasn't as pumped up as normal for FF and some bizarre dance moves ensued. Sian's baseline was as good as ever though, despite losing her glasses every other 2 minutes.
Being an upside down set meant finishing on Wilderness which Jen expelled her normal FF energy into. Then the Xmas song, hmm, we'll pass but it was a Chris De Burgh cover. In fairness it was a fun thing to do.
Next up were a band from the south called Sad Shields. I hadn't heard of these but was told by Jen I'd like them. A three piece, drums, guitar and keys. They play an upbeat pop/punk style some melodic some more screemy.
Jen was right though I did like them. Vicky was a good solid drummer and Aaron took lead on the first few songs with some good shouty lyrics and punchy guitar. The later songs seemed to be led by Laura who took lead vocal and came out onto the floor on some tunes. Yep I like these so I bought their EP off them after.
As I said as soon as she picked up her guitar she came alive even more. She played a blistering set of sort of rockabilly/punk material. With mad hair and lipstick that got smeared over her face the more she yelled into her mike made it even more rock'n'roll.
A mention here to her band Dan on drums was very solid but the bass player John was a true rock'n'roll animal. He spent most of the set bent over his bass thundering out some fine lines. Yep these were three good quality musicians. Talking to Jen and David later they were really pleased EB came up from Bristol just to play with them.
After the show we moved through into the main bar and it was decided to move on to the Retro bar to carry on and well, party the night away so to speak. So the three bands and an entourage of myself and other friends of VVC made our way down to the Retro. It was a busy, loud night. There was a lot going on I spent a while talking to Laura, Aaron and Vicky from Sad Shields. We spent a while discussing our fave S-K albums when they noticed I was wearing an S-K badge.
ha ha I see that they played a Christmas song! Yes, it's very fitting that you ended the year with VVC. Kori and I have Von Iva at the New Year's Eve party and that's it!
sounds wicked. i love sad shields! missed this gig though, which was a total bummer.
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