Monday, August 28, 2006

Just Realised.

With everything else being a bit wacky at the mo, I forgot I go on holiday (again) on 8th Sept. Problem being I only have 1 day off 'till I fly, and that's tomorrow!! (actually today) I haven't checked visa requirements, money situation. I've got a busy day comming up. Then a nice 9 day run in work. I'm still a bit up/down emotionally at the moment, today has been a both day. I joined MySpace yesterday promted by Andy (marriemecarrie) who said most of the refugees are hanging out there. It's been really fun reading the others account of the Portland expierience, lot of great pics too. Thanks to Korina and Celeste your accounts were quite emoitional to read. I would like to upload some of your pics, but I'll contact you direct to ask permission. Ok back to traveller mode must start to do my research. Belgrade and Novi Sad, airport info, local transport infrastucture, hotel locations ect ect. Aw well it's better than sitting on yer ass and watching tv I suppose.


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