Sunday, July 16, 2006


Must admit I forgot to post this. With all the activity goin' on in S-K world it just slipped my mind (sorry Joan)
Went to see Joan As Policewoman in Liverpool Barfly on Fri night. This is one tallented musician, very good indeed. The only problem being there were only approx 100 peoploe in the room. What is wrong with people? next door there was a New Order tribute band playing and that was packed. Pisses me off at times things like this.
Anyway had a chat with Joan after the show she played a tribute to Elliot Smith, so I had a chat with her about ES and said I'm gonna see Sam and Janet(Weiss, S-K's drummer) next month (Quasi) who were Elliots backing band. Lovely lady, good gig, bloody poor attendance.
Sorry but I couldn't find a pic from the show so this'll have to do.


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