Saturday, November 29, 2008

White Denim

The Ruby Lounge, Manchester, 23/11/08.

Another of the upcoming bands of the year. A three piece young Texan band with a fairly eclectic sound labeled as 'new grunge'.

I've only ever been to the Ruby Lounge once before, to see V V C as it happens. Decent little venue as I remember. The support was from a band who I've heard of and have penciled in to keep an eye on. 'Six Nation State' I enjoyed them and they have been getting some good reviews throughout the year. A five piece from London they played with a great gusto and attitude.

White Denim came on and set up with the drummer up front center stage and the bass player to his right and guitarist on the left. They set up to play at each other too which is something I always like.

Whether I'm getting old or not I dont know, but the bass player only looked about 12. The guitarist, who made most of their sound used several effects, was an excellent player. He had a real geeky way of playing too and quite archetypal rock starish by mimicking the sounds with his mouth as he played. The drummer too played a lot at the guitarist and at times played songs stood up.

They played most of their album, but also in the middle of the set played two new songs which sounded very good. By all accounts they more or less have a second record in the bag. A very good live band full of energy and excellent musicanship.


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